When we last left the Healey, Chip was mired under the dash fooling with the Heater Control Valve. That task is all complete and the interior is all back together. Once we get the distributor back from Jeff Schlemmer’s Advanced Distributors, we’ll bolt it on and it will be ready to go. As a recap, we have done the following for the Healey: adjust the tappets and replace the valve cover gasket, check the compression and replace the plugs, install a spin-on oil filter adapter, change the oil and filter, replace the battery and terminals, replace the shifter boot, replace the transmission fluid with MTL, replace missing intake manifold nuts, install missing fender hardware to eliminate a fender squeak, the aforementioned heater control valve and new coolant, remove and replace speedo cable and clean the angle drive, fix a seized door striker and replace some missing door hardware, new tie rods, and replace the transmission check cover. Pictures? Glad you asked.

New Block Water Coolant Outlet Valve

Spin-On Oil Filter Adapter

Old Tie Rods (Seals were Dry-Rotted)

New Battery Terminal

New Fender Hardware